February 25, 2025

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Preventing Ambush Attacks Against Law Enforcement

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Gordon Graham
Category: Law Enforcement

Gordon Graham here with Today’s Tip from Lexipol. Today’s Tip is for my law enforcement friends, and it has to do with protecting yourself against an ambush. 

Lately, there’s been a surge in ambush attacks on law enforcement. These attacks can happen anytime, anywhere. While responding to a call or at the station. When you’re driving in traffic or taking a meal break. The attackers strike without warning and leave little chance for officers to defend themselves. 

So, what are some practical ways to protect yourself? First, be proactive and take steps to prevent an ambush in the first place. Be alert and always prepared for confrontation. If you’re doing paperwork in your car, park strategically. When approaching a scene, take a moment to assess the situation from a safe distance. You may even consider using binoculars to observe from further away. 

When driving, maintain safe gaps with surrounding vehicles to avoid being boxed in. During meal breaks, choose tables rather than booths in case you have to clear out quickly. Avoid window seats. If you’re dining with other officers, determine which area of the restaurant each of you will monitor for threats. 

Next, always have your safety gear on. Body armor can be a lifesaver. Carry and know how to use a tourniquet. It can stop severe bleeding and might save a life. 

Be alert and always prepared for confrontation.

If an ambush does happen, act quickly and decisively. Find an escape route. Your patrol vehicle can be used as an escape tool or even a weapon. Use tactical breathing to control your adrenaline and keep a clear head. Strive to maintain cover and distance. Quickly communicate your situation to dispatch. Finally, employ tactics to effectively address the threat while avoiding crossfire with responding backup. 

Following these steps can help you avoid an ambush and better protect yourself if one should occur.  

And that is Today’s Tip from Lexipol. Until next time, Gordon Graham signing off. 

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