December 22, 2020

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Work-Life Balance As a Cop: Don’t Let Police Work Be Your Identity

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Work-Life Balance As a Cop: Don’t Let Police Work Be Your Identity


Gordon Graham
Category: Law Enforcement

Gordon Graham here with Today’s Tip from Lexipol.

Today I’m talking to my friends in law enforcement. And today I want to remind you that you are more than your job. And I want to encourage you to find your identity in more than police work.

Have an outlet away from work. Away from the stressors you experience daily.

This is still one of the most rewarding careers out there. I have the utmost respect for everyone brave enough to don a uniform and run towards danger when everyone else runs away. Every day officers see death, carnage, abuse, and society’s worst. The public will never experience what you do. Many wouldn’t make it a day in your shoes. This is what makes you special. And what makes you an American hero.

It’s tempting to associate only with people who understand why you do strange things like joke about tragedy and death. But when you hang out with cops, you generally talk about work. Some take it a step further. Watching cop shows, reading cop books, frequenting cop bars. Listening to the police radio while off-duty. The list goes on.

I’m no psychologist. I can’t provide you with medical or psychological advice on how to cope with the stresses of your life. But I will offer a suggestion.

Have an outlet away from work. Away from the stressors you experience daily. Hang out with friends who are not in law enforcement. Find a hobby that keeps your mind off your work. Stay physically and mentally fit. Get away from the job on your days off. Think about things other than police work.

Don’t allow your job to be the sole source of your identity.

And that’s Today’s Tip from Lexipol. Until next time, Gordon Graham signing off.

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